Tools I made
This is where I put some tools I made.
Sudoku Solver
Source Code:
Tool to solve 3x3 sudoku with easily customizable rule and board shape.
But, currently you need to edit the source code to to get customized rule and board shape.
Nonogram Solver
Source Code:
Tool to solve nonogram puzzle. The implementation use brute force method with very little optimization, so tool can't solve large puzzle. Other limitation include:
- Can't solve nonogram that require some trial and error.
- There is no error message if the input formated incorrectly.
Maze Generator
Source Code:
Demo: Open in new tab
Simple tree based maze generator with adjustable size.
The algorithm to generate this is very simple:
- Pick starting point.
- Move randomly, but don't visit tile that already visited.
- If all neighboring tile already visited take goto previous tile then repeat step 2.
- Repeat step above until all tile is visited.
To generate the solution is also easy. Starting from destination tile then go to it's parents tile until you get back to the starting point. This work because all tile have parent that will eventualy lead to the starting point.
Cayley Table Generator
Source Code:
Demo: Open in new tab
This tool used to generate cayley table from permutation matrix. The tool will add new matrix when necessary and automaticaly give a label to the new matrix. The automatic labeling use alphabetical order, currently only latin alphabet are supported. The inputed matrix could be copy as json and a json could be pasted to fill the permutation matrix.